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Friday, August 31, 2012

Artist Spotlight: Hollywood Makeup Artist and Set Bag Designer Kim Greene

Even if you don't know her, I'm sure you've seen her work. Kim Greene, a seasoned Makeup Artist with over 50+ projects for TV and Film listed on IMDb.  With this kind of time in the industry, her knowledge and experience has to be enough to change lives.  I was introduced to Kim through The Makeup Show.  As a growing artist, I am always looking to learn and what better way to do it than by studying the journey of others.  

Kim Greene

I reached out to Kim via email a while back and asked her to do an interview:

1. How did you get your start in the beauty industry? At what point did you begin working in film?
I come from a family of artists so I got lucky and art is in my genes. I knew I wanted to be in the Entertainment industry and went to college and majored in Television and Film with a minor in Art and Theater. I truly didn't know what area of entertainment I would end up in. When I got out of school I moved to Texas where at that time the economy was booming. One of my first jobs was as a PA at the local channel 13 and I tried out a number of jobs there. One day I noticed a makeup artist applying makeup to our Newscaster and it just clicked. I thought, "I want to do THAT!" I ended up going to LA for the summer and studying with Vincent Kehoe of RCMA. I went back to Texas and started telling my clients that I was a makeup artist now. They gave me a chance and I started building my resume with industrial and print jobs. A couple of years later the film "JFK" came to town and with persistence and sheer determination I got hired by Ron Berkeley to work as a day player. Ron ended up being my mentor when I move to L.A.. Looking back I know that he is the reason I have the career that I have. He not only taught me how to be a good makeup artist but about professionalism and integrity. 

2. What inspires you as a Makeup Artist and Entrepreneurial? 
Growing up with parents who loved art and film made a huge impact on me. I am inspired by creativity of all kinds; theater, dance, books, paintings, film, television. Even the most basic drawing from a child when done from the heart inspires me. I once saw a young woman ballet dancing at a Grateful Dead concert. It had been raining and there was a mist in the air. She was soaking wet doing pirouettes and grand jetes barefoot in the mud surrounded by hippies gyrating and twirling to the music. I carry that image with me when I need inspiration. Art is everywhere.

3. How long have you been working in the film industry? 
I started in print and industrial but my first feature film was a less than a million dollar independent film produced and directed by Fred Williamson called "Steele's Law". It came out in 1991. I think we shot it in 1988 or 89.

4. To date, how many films have you worked on?
I just counted on IMDB and it has 50+ films and tv shows on there.

5. Tell us about the Kim Greene Line?
I was always looking for the perfect bag to keep all my stuff in. It drove me nuts having to dig around in dark canvas bags to find the product or products I needed. I literally woke up from a dream with a bag design in my head. It was made of clear plastic with lots of outer pockets so I could get to my stuff quickly. I knew I had something! I ended up adding colors so I could color code and made sure the bags were durable and sturdy. I have 2 bag designs. The Premier is a set or female actor bag and the Essential is great for making kits, as a male actor bag. Both are great for travel. I really get a huge kick out of seeing other artists on sets using my bags. It's still amazes me that I was able to create these bags from an idea. I'm proud of them. 

6. What are your 5 must have products?
1. A great cosmetic bag. Of course that's gonna be my number one! lol
2. A well pigmented concealer that blends into your skin
3. Mascara that doesn't run or smear
4. A sharp and effective tweezer
5. Good makeup brushes

7. What advice would share with aspiring makeup artists?
Be professional. Be invested and present. Have fun and laugh often.

To find out more about Kim
Kim Greene - Owner
The Kim Greene Line 
Phone no.: (818)332-4978

Who are some of your most inspiring veteran Makeup Artist and Beauty Pros?

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