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Monday, July 1, 2013

CLOSED----WIN IT: Full Line of Black Earth Products

I am giving away one full line of Taliah Waajid's Black Earth Products hair care system.  I fell in love with the Protective Mist Bodifier and if you suffer with dry and brittle hair, you will love it just as much as I did.  You're getting great cleansing products and super ingredients that will bring your hair back to life. The line is full of products that will offer your hair manageability and protection. Black Earth Products offers what Taliah calls, "S.T.E.P.S." to healthy hair care . When you use the complete line you're getting a System That Enhances, Protects hair and Stimulates growth.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

I won't be attending the natural hair show, which has really been like a dream of mine.

Unknown said...

I unfortunately wont be attending the natural hair show in Atlanta, although that's been a dream of mine.

Unknown said...

Hopefully this doesn't come up more than once but I wasn't sure if it went through. No, unfortunately I wont be attending the natural hair show in Atlanta, although that's been a dream of mine.

Unknown said...

I wish I could go to the hair show, but one day I'll be able to afford it! Thanks for all the inspiration.