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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring Clean Your Makeup Bag

Hello Beauties!

While you're spring cleaning your closet, don't dare forget about that makeup bag. In my case and many others that would be the makeup cabinet, drawer or  pretty box in the corner. Where ever you store your makeup, that area needs some cleaning too!

Cosmetic products for skincare and makeup are not meant to be your bestie forever.  Just like some ingredients in your food have an expiration date, so does your makeup.  You also don't want to bring yourself or your clients victim to bacteria.

Be sure to sanitize your products and keep your pencils sharpened. Remember, alcohol is your friend.  Keep alcohol wipes handy at all times.  They can be used to swipe items to keep them clean prior to use and after.

Here's a list to use as a resource for your beauty bag.

  1. Concealer - 12 months
  2. Foundation - 12 months
  3. Powder - 2 years
  4. Cream Cleansers - 1 year
  5. Gel Cleansers - 1 year
  6. Pencil Eye Liner - 3 years
  7. Liquid Eye Liner - 6 months
  8. Eyeshadow - 3 years
  9. Blush/Bronzer - 2 years
  10. Lip Liner - 3 years
  11. Lipstick - 1-2 years
  12. Lip Gloss - 18-24 months
  13. Mascara - 3 months
  14. Brushes - Shampoo weekly if for personal use
  15. Brushes - Shampoo after every use if on clients

Cosmetic rules to remember...
  1. If you can't remember when you purchased it, throw it out!
  2. Don't pump the mascara tube, it dries the product out. Place under hot running water to loosen it up if needed.
  3. Don't share your makeup without the proper sanitation steps.
  4. Label your products with an opened date if you need too.  
  5. If it smells bad, don't use it.
  6. If it's a natural product, definitely label it to notate the use and follow the shelf-life instructions.

Be sure to follow these tips and always check with Google if you need a little help.  

Source: Google Searches (info and images) and some Tips from NY Makeup Artist Susmta Patel (List)


Kerissa said...

Very informative post. I plan to keep this one bookmarked and refer to it as needed. I actually cleaned out my small collection of makeup today. Hope you are enjoying the festivities. Xo

Jackie Toye said...

O Lawd! ... me and mascara must part ways. Thanks!